Saturday, March 3, 2012

Speed limit

So far, 2012 has been … in a word: busy.

Things are moving and shaking. I’m spinning a lot of project plates just now, both on the work side and the personal side. I’m certainly not bored. Good grief, I have no time to be. And that’s great!
Busy is good. But some days, “busy” is a four-letter word.

As I age, I’m coming to know myself. I only have so much energy, and that ebbs and flows. Certain things charge me up, and those waves run high, fast, and strong. And yet I know I have to be careful, because I can only keep up the pace for so long. I’ve begun to learn my pattern, and I can feel when my endurance is starting to fade. I get wobbly; I start missing details and my attention span snaps.

If I’m paying attention, and I catch it quick enough, I can avert total disaster. Which makes charging the batteries that much easier and quicker. If I don’t catch it quick enough, those waves I’m riding start to crash. And I end up in a puddle. And it’s not always pretty. I don’t like puddling—because it usually means something gets mucked up while I’m recharging and recovering.

Mario Andretti is credited with saying, "If everything's under control, you aren't going fast enough."

My disclaimer: There's a speed limit. And the flashing red & blue will graciously remind you what it is. Pay attention; don't crash the wall. It wins.

Smack. The wall hit me this time. Hard. So much for thinking I had another week or two to slow down.

My Pollyanna needs a vacation. And the rest of me needs a nap.

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