Tuesday, November 22, 2011


In keeping with the reflection theme, I revisited this list I started 2 years ago. At the time, I found myself struggling to not sprint my marathon ... to slow down enough to experience life as it happened instead of just rushing crazy mad from one thing straight to the next. It's too easy to let important things we know we ought to do fall by the wayside. Like telling someone when they do something we appreciate, for example. Life is too long not to appreciate the appreciable. And life is too short to live without an attitude of gratitude.

Among other things, I am thankful for...

... lazy evenings
with nothing planned but curling up on the couch with a movie or a good book.

... sunrises
no matter the size of the hairy beast you battled the day before, chances are pretty good it won't look so fierce in the brilliant light of a new day.

... a good book
a thick one with great characters and a believable plot; one you can get lost in on a rainy afternoon.

... rainy afternoons
to curl up with a fuzzy blanket, cup of hot chocolate, and, of course, a good book to get lost in.

... napping
'nough said

... old-fashioned letters
LOVE getting mail that isn't a bill or credit card solicitation. A hand-written note means the author really put some thought behind what they wanted to tell you. There's just no easy way to edit/copy/paste when composing a letter.

... puppy kisses
dogs don't care what you're wearing, if you're having a bad hair day, or what other people think; they love you simply because you're you, and you came home to them.

... blustery October "Winnie-the-Pooh" days
when it's still warm, but the wind is gusting just enough to whip the leaves around.

... heated seats
makes the early morning travel to practice so much more bearable.

... forgiveness
We're none of us perfect. We make mistakes, fall, pick ourselves up, hopefully learn something, and move on. I'm so thankful that God's grace flows freely and that He bears our burdens.

... kids
they're so innocent and full of awed wonder, not restricted by bias or tradition; they giggle at anything that strikes them funny, and they're generally dispositioned towards fun. They live life with gusto, totally spent at the end of each day. They don't sweat the small stuff, but find infinite joy in simply being alive.

... gray hair
it's genetic; a subtle reminder that some things just are outside your control. Ya gotta buckle up and hang on, because life is a wild ride. But instead of obsessing about trivial things, look at the big picture and concentrate on the stuff you CAN influence.

... grandparents
they keep family history, hope, and traditions alive. They tell you about all the crazy things your parents did when they were young. They're the hub that keeps everyone connected. I miss mine.

... moments
the stuff grand memories are made of.

... 2 am friends
they take your middle-of-the-night crisis calls and have your back, no explanations necessary. They walk beside you on the adventure through life's trials and triumphs, tolerate your foibles, laugh at your antics, understand the complexities of your character, and protect your vulnerable parts. AND, they claim you in public. :)

What would you add to the list?

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